The contents of this website are aimed at professional users

The contents of this website are aimed at professional users

Several RealKFO jaw models with different, colourful orthodontic appliances lying on a table.

This is what makes training fun!

During our training course on 25 March 2022, we looked at the twin block with all its facets and possible applications in orthodontics. Under the seminar leadership of Mr Roger Harman, all topics relating to the Twin Block were covered. He was delighted with the motivated participants, who received a detailed explanation from our speaker for each of their questions.

The Hilton Hotel contributed to the smooth running of our event with its all-round excellent service. In addition to delicious food, there were also stimulating discussions about orthodontics over lunch.

At the end of the day, the consistently positive feedback from the participants convinced us that the training was a complete success. Above all, they praised the way our speaker conveyed the material, the practical relevance of the training and the seminar content.

Four weeks have now passed since our Twin Block training course at the end of last month and we are delighted that demand for further courses remains high. Due to this, a second Twin Block training course will take place in autumn on 16 September 2022.

We look forward to your registration!